Monday, January 22, 2007

The Inalienable Right To Life

Yesterday was,officially, proclaimed Sanctity of Human Life Day by President Bush. Didn't get much of a drum-roll in the mainstream press, which is presumably waiting for "balance" by filming protesters on both sides of today's March for Life in Washington, D.C. if it does anything at all.

Yes, folks, we're going to do this every year -- talk about Roe v. Wade, that is, and do everything we can to focus attention on the fact that these are uniquely created human lives we're throwing away in the name of "choice"; a monstrous evil, one my generation sowed and from which those who follow us are reaping a horrible whirlwind.

Denise Hunnell, who blogs as Catholic Matriarch, cuts to the heart of "it's my body, I have a right to choose" with one sentence from her post today:

... when does the daughter in your womb claim the rights you claim for yourself?

When, indeed.

For all who are peacefully assembling today, whether in Washington or in front of abortion clinics to pray the Rosary or elsewhere, know that many more of us stand behind you in prayer and penance.

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